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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mengenal Jauh Google Sand Box .

Hallo doankers..
Apa teman-teman doankers tahu google sand box..??
Pasti menurut teman-teman doankers pasti mikir pasir yang di masukin ke box. Sebenarnya bukan itu, ada maksud tertentu dalam pembahasan yang saya sampaikan ke teman-teman doankers.
Sand Box di artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia adalah kotak pasir.

Mungkin dalam ilmu dunia blogger atau webmaster menyebutkan google sand box adalah penjara nya blog atau situs.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sahabat Ku.

Hallo doanker. Ini lah sabahat saya yang setia dengan doankers :

- Tio Scooter -

CIBFest 2008 Banner A

Dua Enam 95

Kompetisi Blogger Baten 2011

- Labcsore -

-Ex . Trick-

kalau teman ingin jadi teman Leodoank, bisa teman-teman tulis di form di bawah ini.
jangan lupa banner kalian di cantumkan. terima kasih.!
Fill out my form!

Kompetisi Blogger Baten 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cities XL 2011 , Game Hot saat ini !

Halo doankers.
Kembali dengan saya, si Leo . Akan memberikan informasi bagus kepada kalian tentang informasi game terbaik saat ini. Tahukah kalian game Cities XL 2011 ? yah, game membuat suatu kota  dengan grafik luar biasa, dan game ini bisa di zoom dari yang terkecil sampai di zoom diluar angkasa. Game ini sangat detail dan mempentingkan grafik. 

 Developer: Focus Home Interactive| Publisher: Focus Home Interactive| Genre: Strategy (Manage / Busin. / Real-time) / 3D| Release Date: 2010-10-14

Artikel Tentang Cities XL 2011

Cities XL 2011 di publish oleh Monte Cristo tetapi sekarang Focus Home Interactive telah mengambil alih game ini dan akan merencanakan untuk re-launch game ini pada bulan Oktober 2010.
Pada re-launch game ini akan ada ratusan bangunan baru ( lebih dari 700 bangunan ) tidak ketinggalan juga map baru ( total ada 45 map baru ). Cities XL 2011 sendiri adalah sebuah game yang membuat Kotakers dapat membangun dan mengembangkan perkotaan besar dengan map 3D yang realistik. Semuanya itu berkat kumpulan data yang kompleks atas lebih dari 700 bangunan dan struktur yang unik.

Kotakers bakal menjabat sebagai sang mayor yang mesti bisa menyeimbangkan antara pembangunan ekonomi kota, transportasi publik, perumahan, layanan sosial, aktivitas hiburan, dan berbagai event spesial di kota tersebut. 

Ibarat kata, kita menjadi pemerintah di kota tersebut. Apakah terman-teman doankers minat bermain game ini ?



System  Requirements
Minimum system requirements:
Cities XL 2011 Desktop requirements
Processor Intel Pentium 4 - 2.5 GHz (or AMD equivalent) or higher
Memory 1 GB (XP), 1.5 GB (Vista)
Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT/ATI Radeon X1600 or higher
256 MB minimum of graphics card memory

Cities XL 2011 Laptop Requirements
Processor Intel Centrino 2 with Intel graphics accelerator
Memory 1.5 GB (XP), 2.5 GB (Vista)


Buat teman menyukai game ini bisa kalian download. Sekian dari dari saya. mudah-mudahan ini game , sebagai jalan para gamers lebih menukai game PC. 
Salam Doankers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

About Me

Halo doankers.
saya ingin memperkenalkan kepada doankers yang setia mengikuti blog ini. siapa sih admin blog ini. langsung aja yah. Nama saya Leo puji , sering akrab di panggil Leo. Saya seorang penyuka komputer apalagi jaringan atau web. Saya mulai mengenal komputer saat masih SMP kelas 1 , yang masih belajar ngetik. lalu , saya mulai menyukai komputer saat SMP kelas 2. Yang berawal dari seorang guru mengajarkan , bahwa komputer adalah mesin yang pintar. Dari situ saya mulai tertarik yang namanya komputer. Saya terus mempelajari komputer , dari seluk beluk OS windows ampe jaringan. Saya mempunyai keinginan kuat, bahwa saya bisa komputer. Seiring waktu, iseng-iseng buka internet, saya melihat ada sosok pendiri besar microsoft dan saya membaca sejarah beliau. Dan sangat mengagumkan perjalanan microsoft di tangan Bill Gates.  Dari situlah pendiri microsoft menjadi inspirasi saya saat ini. saya terus belajar , mencari keingintahuan tentang komputer dan jaringan. Disuatu saat, teman SMP saya mengajarkan saya tentang namanya blog. seiring waktu , saya mempelajari blog sampai SMA. Dan akhirnya saya mulai membuat blog yang bernama Leodoank .

Kenapa namanya Blog Leodoank ?

saya membuat nama blog Leodoank , terinspirasi dari sebuah kata doank. yang artinya saja.
jadi blog nya hanya leo saja pemilik nya. Begitulah arti blog saya ini.

Saya punya keinginan , saya pasti bisa melakukan hal baru. Dan impian yang ingin menjadi seorang IT . mudah-mudahan terwujud, amien. tujan saya ngeblogging , memberikan informasi yang fakta tentang seputar komputer dan memberikan informasi terkini dengan cepat.

Biografi lengkapnya :

Nama     : Leo Puji
Umur      : cari di internet.
Sekolah  : SMAN 10 TANGSEL
kuliah : Universitas Teknologi Bandung.
dah itu aja. ga usah lengkap-lengkap. :D

oh ya , buat doankers yang kangen bgt ama saya. cukup YM aja dengan ku.
sekian dari saya, mudah-mudahan informasi ini menjadi ilmu di masa mendatang. heheh
terima kasih.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Connecting a SPDIF Cable

An SPDIF cable is a connection that is made specifically for audio purposes. SPDIF basically stands for Sony/Philips Digital Interconnect Format and can be referred to as S/PDIF, S/P-DIF, and IEC 958 type 2. This cable is able to transmit stereo digital audio signals from PC audio cards, CD players, DVD players, car audio systems, or any sound systems that can transmit or receive stereo digital audio through a modified optical or electrical cable.
Using the cable to transmit the stereo digital audio signal on a device is not difficult. To do that, first, you will need to remove the power cords from the devices you wish to connect. After that, you can look around on the device to find the cable connections, to make sure that both devices have their own SPDIF ports.

Buildings With Fiber

Buildings with fiber have pre-installed optic fiber network connections. Renting out or purchasing such a building for business purposes, you can get to use high-speed Ethernet connections which provide huge bandwidth and improved connectivity.
To put it plainly buildings with fiber are places with high bandwidth network connections. Also known as fiber lit buildings, they have pre-installed fiber optic connections providing faster internet connectivity. With rapidly growing communication needs, there is an ever-increasing demand for higher speeds and improved connectivity than what is provided by a traditional broadband. A fairly new concept, lit buildings consist of high-speed Ethernet network connections, ideal for a business setting. Existing businesses and also new businesses setting up operation can use a lit building map to locate buildings with fiber connections.

3D Animation And Special Effects

An exciting and rapidly growing area of 3D animation is not in story telling at all. Special effects, whether it is blowing up a ship, melting a building, or killing a person, are hot and becoming incredibly possible in a digital 3D environment. Having some experience in special effects is a good idea for any demo reel.
However, as the entertainment industry pushes the 3D industry, and vice versa, the paradigm and techniques are forever changing. Do not spend too much time on any one technique; it may be antiquated before you even finish your project. Students ask all the time for general rules for doing special effects. The general rule is that there are no rules. Digital effects are so often mixed with real-time effects or cinematography that it becomes nearly impossible to tell which is which, and which is happening when.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Top 7 Tips to Avoid Spyware on Your Computer

Your access to the Internet is a window to the world. To shield that window, you probably want some shades. Internet use offers great benefits, and many of us rely on it daily to perform our job. However, we all need to keep in mind the pests tapping on our window, which the industry refers to as spyware. Spyware is a piece of a program, individual software, or plug-in that has one, and only one, purpose -- to track your actions. Over the past two years, spyware reports have increased by 167%!
What can spyware really do?
When spyware is installed, you didn't press the "accept" button to have this tracking software installed on your computer. This is because many spyware programs are downloaded and installed automatically when you use free software. Spyware acts like a virus or Internet worm after it has crept inside your computer. Things suddenly do not work as fast or at all. Many times users will have many variants of spyware installed, and it does not get noticed until PC performance is affected.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tablet PCs: iPad, Galaxy Tab, Playbook

The tablet PC revolution initiated by the iPad and its overwhelming popularity has encouraged many prestigious companies to expand their production the new area.
Black Berry has revealed its intend in joining the race with its Play Book which was known as Black Pad earlier. Another competent model recently hit the global market is the Galaxy Tab by the reputed Samsung. Even if there has been a flurry of tablets by various electronic manufacturers, only a few could gather wide attention.
If you are planning of buying a tablet, all these different choices will flash in your mind and you will find that the picking up one from them that suits your requirement will be a daunting task. Once you get a clear picture of the characteristics of the products of different vendors, it will be very simple to identify the tablet that is made for you.